EDISEN, Berlin | Sortlist
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Berlin, Deutschland
Unskippable content at scale
Edisen , the Unskippable Content Company, is an independent global specialist in production and marketing communications . We are local in Berlin but can work with Teams across the globe for every need - boutique or scaled up. What sets us apart is our unique DNA. We combine our legacy in the world of entertainment - bringing a fresh take on creativity - to marcomms, and combine it with tech solutions that help us deliver on that creativity for brands and broadcasters alike. Edisen began in Stockholm in 1996 as a post-production facility for the entertainment industry. Its creative output soon evolved into production, not just for film and TV, but for brands, rapidly spreading across the globe and receiving recognition from the Academy (Oscars), BAFTA, Cannes Lions, Palme d’Or, Sundance and Berlinale, to name a few. Always identifying needs in an ever-changing industry, Edisen began developing products for digital ad insertion and content distribution for broadcasters and media agencies alike. It has since become the go-to for the world’s most recognized brands and agencies with ambitions to create unskippable content in all its forms and for all Platforms. This combined content creation, distribution and optimization offering now helps brands everywhere, producing and delivering hundreds of thousands of assets for its clients in over 100 markets. The Smartest Way You’ll Ever Produce Anything: Our Promise to Our Clients Very few companies can boast the breadth of content experience that Edisen has. With a heritage across all forms of moving image output we can solve our clients’ problems in unique ways. With Edisen you get every option and service tailored to your need, at scale.
400 Personen im Team
Spricht Deutsch, Englisch
Sortlist Mitglied seit 2022
Gegründet 1996
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8 Dienstleistungen angeboten von EDISEN



  • Beschreibung

    Edisen ist in der Basis „Macher“ jeglicher Art von Content (Audio, Visuell, Entertainment, Marketing, Inszenierungen, Storytelling, B2B/B2C, intern, Events, Employer Branding, Konzept-Entwicklung u.v.m.) inkl. sämtlicher Agenturleistungen.

    Schon in der Anfangsphase der Produktion oder Konzeption befassen wir uns mit smarten Ansätzen, um die Produktion zeit- und kosten-effizienter sowie jeglichen Output flexibel und sogar wiederverwendbar/beliebig skalierbar zu erstellen.

    Beispielsweise können wir in kurzer Zeit viele Assets produzieren, die später eine spontane Adaption oder Neukreation des Contents für die sich ändernden Needs auf verschiedensten Plattformen und Märkten zulassen. Der Content kann anschließend automatisiert gemanaged werden.

    Ziel ist es dabei immer Content und Inhalte zu konzipieren, die gesehen werden wollen oder emotional wirken, um sich von der Masse abzuheben und zu konvertieren.

    Für den Bereich Content-Performance haben wir ein eigenes AI Tool, welches es uns erlaubt innerhalb einer Live Kampagne den Content auf die Performance zu optimieren und neu auszurichten/remixen. Auch für bestehende Inhalte/Content kann auf Performance analysiert und Learnings generiert werden, welche in zukünftigen Produktionen berücksichtigt werden können.

    Alle angebotenen Leistungen & Tools können als Ganzes oder einzeln in Anspruch genommen werden – abgestimmt auf das, was ihr wirklich benötigt, nicht mehr, nicht weniger.



    Edisen is a "producer" of any kind of content (audio, visual, entertainment, marketing, staging, storytelling, B2B/B2C, internal, events, employer branding, concept development and much more) including agency services on top of it.

    Already in the initial phase of production or conception, we deal with smart approaches to make the production more time and cost efficient as well as to create any output flexible, even reusable & scalable.

    For example, we produce many assets in a short period of time, which allows spontaneous adaptation or re-creation of the content for the changing needs on various platforms and markets later and long-term. The content can then be managed and remixed automatically.

    The goal is always to design content that wants to be seen or has an emotional impact in order to stand out from the crowd to convert/engage.

    For content performance, we have our own AI-tool that allows us to optimise and realign/remix content for performance within a live campaign. We can also analyse the performance of existing content and generate learnings that can be taken into account in future productions.

    All offered services & tools can be used as a whole or individually - tailored to hit what you really need, not more, not less.
    Skills in Werbung (26)
    Digital advertisingSocial Media MarketingBrandingDesignStorytellingPhotographyCorporateB2BB2CEmployer Branding+16

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  • Beschreibung

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    Skills in Videoproduktion (29)
    FlamePhotographyVFXCorporateTrailerEditingRetouchingLocation ScoutingCastingOnline Content+19

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  • Beschreibung

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    Skills in Markenbildung & Positionierung (1)
    Employer Branding

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  • Beschreibung

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    Skills in Textgestaltung (1)

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  • Beschreibung

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    Skills in Social Media (2)
    Social Media MarketingComunicación

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    Skills in Fotografie (1)
    Photo Shooting

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    Skills in 3D (1)

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  • Beschreibung

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  • HeadquarterMarburger Straße, Berlin, Deutschland
