BlueMediaAds UG
¨BlueMediaAds UG is your new and innovative partner for email campaigns across Europe. BMA offers its clients emailing solutions such as publishing and database monetization.¨ We are an email publisher that is founded in May 2016 in Erlangen, Germany. Currently, we have databases in Germany, The Netherlands, and Belgium, for which we are sending standalone dedicated Mailings on a daily basis. Set up in Germany, but operating from Barcelona, we are your ideal partner for email marketing. Philosophy | Mission | Vision | Strategy We make it our mission to provide correct and useful prospects (leads) towards its clients by means of emailing. Having only started the company in May 2016, we are a very young and dynamic company that sets very high goals and objectives for itself in order for continuous growth and development. Our vision goes as far as stating that it wants to become the pillar between connecting email offers from advertisers with the right customers, on a world-wide scale. In order to aid ourselves in the right direction, our very straightforward and clear slogan is: ¨We provide, you profit! ¨
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3 Dienstleistungen angeboten von BlueMediaAds UG
Beschreibung BMA is a dedicated Emailer that has non-incentivised emailaddresses in Belgium, The Netherlands, and Germany. We are looking for somebody who want to promote its product/service through our database.
Erfahren Sie mehr über E-Mail-MarketingBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Skills in Markenbildung & Positionierung (1) Conception de Slogan
Erfahren Sie mehr über Markenbildung & PositionierungBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
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- HeadquarterLuitpoldstraße 76A, 91052 Erlangen, Germany
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