UX Agency
Wir gestalten Freude in das Leben der Menschen!
In 2011 Christopher, the founder of the Designbeam UG (haftungsbeschränkt), began designing and coding some first websites and app beside school. Since 2014 he has been working as a freelancer. In 2020 after his UXD studies he founded the UX Agency. The UX Agency is part of a bigger construct. It is one service of UX Globals beside the UX Consultancy, the UX Education platform, the UX Marketplace and the UX Globals podcast. Our services begin with the rebranding of an entire company, continues to the user analysis, concept creation, user testing, visual design and implementation of your solution. During our entire process we follow the UX workflow which divides a project into five different stages: Analysis, Prototyping, Design, Implementation and Evaluation. Depending on the results of the different stages some loops might be required to create the best user experience possible for the highest retention rate. Yes, it is a still small and young agency. However, I can guarantee you that my agency can provide you everything you need and is available for you from early in the morning until late into the evening - including weekends! Our mission is to make user experience the number one reason why a company or solution becomes successful. Therefore we will focus on you as our client AND the users of your solution to create a strong bond between the two of you! 2 Personen im Team
Spricht Deutsch, Englisch
1 Referenz im PortfolioArbeitet remote auf der ganzen Welt
Sortlist Mitglied seit 2020
Gegründet 2020
8 Dienstleistungen angeboten von UX Agency
Beschreibung To make customers stay, they need to be able to identify with your brand. Therefore, the core values need to be presented in the visual appearance, as this is the key to a successful brand! We will find out what the most important values and benefits of your brand are and will make your customers want to stay!Skills in Markenbildung & Positionierung (6) LogodesignBrandingSocial MediaCorporate IdentityCorporate BrandingRebrandingReferenz in Markenbildung & Positionierung (1) Kunde in Markenbildung & Positionierung (1) Lauble Workplace PerformanceArchitektur & Planung | international
Erfahren Sie mehr über Markenbildung & PositionierungBeschreibung You as a client are the focus of our work together with your users! This separates us from other agencies that are creating websites. We know that you want to strengthen your business with your website. Therefore we will analyze your target customers to gain a better understanding of them and will deliver you a concept and design that matches their needs and provides an optimum workflow so the user satisfaction is as high as possible which results in more sales.Skills in Webseitengestaltung (6) User ExperienceWebdevelopmentUser FriendlyConceptionDesignWebdesignReferenz in Webseitengestaltung (1) Bewertung in Webseitengestaltung (1) Martin LaubleKunde in Webseitengestaltung (1) Lauble Workplace PerformanceArchitektur & Planung | international
Erfahren Sie mehr über WebseitengestaltungBeschreibung Our services for mobile applications are mainly creating a functioning interaction concept and an awesome user experience. During this process we will combine the guidelines of your company and the guidelines of the operating system the application will be running on. Due to the app development knowledge, which good UX designers have, we can deliver a solution that is already optimised for the following implementation and will save you money afterwards.Skills in Mobile App (6) os guidelinesStrategyInteraction DesignMobile Applicationmobile appsUser Experience
Erfahren Sie mehr über Mobile AppBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Skills in Digitale Strategie (1) Strategy
Erfahren Sie mehr über Digitale StrategieBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Skills in Grafikdesign (2) Logo Graphic DesignFlyer Conception
Erfahren Sie mehr über GrafikdesignBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Skills in Ergonomie (UX/UI) (2) User TestingUX Design
Erfahren Sie mehr über Ergonomie (UX/UI)Beschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Erfahren Sie mehr über PrintBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Skills in Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (PR) (1) Online PR
Erfahren Sie mehr über Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (PR)
2 Mitglieder in UX Agency's Team
UX Agency wurde 0 Mal ausgezeichnet
1 Bewertungen für UX Agency
(1 Bewertungen)
Martin Laubleowner bei Lauble Workplace Performance
SektorArchitektur & Planung
Team1 - 10
Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?New Corporate Design, Website and Factsheets to become fresher and modern
Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?The procedure was very pleasant and well-founded. My actual goals were inquired about and followed up, with appropriate advice being included
Gibt es Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten?no
Martin Lauble empfiehlt diese Agentur
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