Virtual Identity AG
no bullshit since 1995 We help brands transforming business challenges into digital opportunities. We act as lead agency and pragmatic solution partner. All digital since 1995.
192 Personen im Team
Spricht Deutsch, Englisch
Arbeitet remote auf der ganzen Welt
Sortlist Mitglied seit 2020
Gegründet 1994
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8 Dienstleistungen angeboten von Virtual Identity AG
Beschreibung Modular systems that accelerate development
We develop conceptual and technical systems that enable companies to operate their internal and external ecosystems in an agile way. Modularity is our guiding principle.
UI Systems
The UI systems we design help companies to make their internal and external communication brand-consistent. Through their modularity, they accelerate the development of new services and thus contribute to digital business success.
Backend systems
The micro service architectures we design enable companies to quickly develop new functionalities or easily integrate existing services. Thereby, way we accelerate the functional development of digital ecosystems.
User Research
Few things inspire us as much as getting to know the world from the user's perspective. Our ambition is to understand what matters for them. And develop digital solutions that are useful for them.
Application and Website Design
We work with great passion to make complex things simple. Our ambition is to make the digital everyday life of our users beautiful and simple. This is convenient for the user and for the client a prerequisite for digital success.
Software Development
When elegant solutions are found for complex requirements and multi-layered data structures, our developers blossom. No matter if it is a website, an app, a skill or an IoT solution.
Search Engine Marketing
By translating corporate messages into information needs, we ensure that supply and demand meet with the help of search engines. This helps users and our clients.Skills in Webseitengestaltung (7) Application and Website DesignSearch Engine MarketingUser ResearchUI SystemsBackend SystemsDesarrollo Back-endBackend Development
Erfahren Sie mehr über WebseitengestaltungBeschreibung Audience Analytics
With curiosity we find out what matters for our target groups, what topics they deal with and what language they speak.
Community Management
With empathy and expertise we engage with the communities and support them seven days a week, around the clock with advice and action.
Content Development
We are insanely happy when the content we develop resonates: Because it is useful, inspiring or entertaining. On websites, in social media and everything in between.
Social Media Marketing
Every day we ask ourselves anew how we can use media more effectively to achieve the sales and marketing goals of our clients.Skills in Social Media (3) Social Media MarketingContent Developmentaudience analytics
Erfahren Sie mehr über Social MediaBeschreibung UI Systems
The UI systems we design help companies to make their internal and external communication brand-consistent. Through their modularity, they accelerate the development of new services and thus contribute to digital business success.
Good ideas must prove to work in practice. We are dedicated to design thinking that includes fast prototyping. Working with prototypes helps us to quickly learn and improve new solutions.
Application and Website Design
We work with great passion to make complex things simple. Our ambition is to make the digital everyday life of our users beautiful and simple. This is convenient for the user and for the client a prerequisite for digital success.Skills in Grafikdesign (5) PrototypingUI SystemsDigital Service DesignDesign ThinkingApplication and Website Design
Erfahren Sie mehr über GrafikdesignBeschreibung Search Engine Marketing
By translating corporate messages into information needs, we ensure that supply and demand meet with the help of search engines. This helps users and our clients.Skills in SEO (1) Search Engine Marketing
Erfahren Sie mehr über SEOBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Skills in Digitale Strategie (3) Search MarketingSuch-MarketingDigital
Erfahren Sie mehr über Digitale StrategieBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Erfahren Sie mehr über Software EntwicklungBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Erfahren Sie mehr über Community ManagementBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Erfahren Sie mehr über Marketing
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Kontaktdetails von Virtual Identity AG
- HeadquarterIsarwinkel 16, 81379 München, Germany
- Grünwälderstraße 10, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
- Schönbrunner Str. 213-215, 1120 Wien, Austria
- Rua do Pinheiro Manso 34, 4100-119 Porto, Portugal
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