Melior Design, Greater London | Sortlist
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Melior Design

Greater London, Vereinigtes Königreich
A small-but-mighty UI/UX studio that brings user-first design to every project we work on.
Whether we're working with early-stage startups that are as nimble and ambitious as we are, or with the medium-to-large software houses that we rapidly deliver beautiful & dev-ready interfaces for - we have a simple, battle tested approach. To some clients, our work is all about devising a killer landing page that increases conversions and reduces cart-drop off. Starting with a full UX workshop that'll uncover all the reasons it's not working right now we move onto a few weeks of UI-polishing in the latest and greatest prototyping technology. For others, our work is as a small, powerhouse UI / UX solution. Working on the solutions for hundreds of user-experience problems on a huge variety of digital products. First and foremost: we’re user-first problem solvers that are focusing on one thing and doing it well.
3 Personen im Team
Spricht Englisch
Sortlist Mitglied seit 2023
Gegründet 2020
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1 Dienstleistung*en angeboten von Melior Design



  • Beschreibung
    Whether: SaaS, web app, mobile, responsive, re-design, MVP, website, landing page, or any of the other projects that require user-led design, we could be the small-but-mighty studio you're looking for.

    We offer project-based services for UI & UX projects or for either independently. Ideal for the kinds of projects listed above, these will typically include our effective user-led design system of UX Workshops and UI Sprints.

    We also offer long-term UI / UX partnership solutions for medium-to-large-scale software companies, agencies and enterprises. Guaranteed availability, unlimited workload, delivering complex briefs and tasks in double-time.
    Skills in Ergonomie (UX/UI) (9)
    UI DesignDesignResponsive DesignWeb ApplicationMobile DesignEcommerce WebsiteUI UXWeb App DesignProduct Discovery

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Ergonomie (UX/UI)

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  • Headquarter20-22 Wenlock Road, London, UK