Instant Waves
5 Dienstleistungen angeboten von Instant Waves
Beschreibung Production I Conception
In a rapidly changing communications market, we provide professional support and comprehensive advice. We tailor concepts to the goals of our customers and deliver ideas for individual advert concepts or campaigns and series. Performance- or branding-orientated, we have the right creative people.
Production I Realisation I Craftship
Our team has an Europe-wide network of freelancers and service providers. We always find the right partners for our productions, no matter where. Thanks to our own state-of-the-art technology and associated post-production, we offer many in-house processes. This makes us fast and precise.
You want multichannel content? Six-second videos? GIFs? IGTV? Stories with clear CTA? On TV? No problem. We are familiar with the ABC of seeding and make any production in any format, to measure.
Distribution I Evaluation
We can also help you after production. To ensure that we are always able to provide our large and small customers with the right distribution strategy, we maintain contact with freelancers and international media agencies. This way, every video and photo production finds the right audience.
The tracking and active control of ongoing campaigns are the key to a successful campaign. Ongoing reporting rounds things off.Skills in Videoproduktion (36) FilmingCastingSpecial Effects (SFX)Drone ShootingAudiovisual ProductionPostproductionVoice Overvideo motion designeditorsVideo Editing+26Referenzen in Videoproduktion (23) Bewertungen in Videoproduktion (2) Manuel KalenderianSimão PereiraKunden in Videoproduktion (23) Mercedes-BenzAutomobil | internationalzolar GmbHSoftware & Computerservice | nationalJIMDOSoftware & Computerservice | nationalOPONEOAnderes | international
Erfahren Sie mehr über VideoproduktionBeschreibung Production I Conception
In a rapidly changing communications market, we provide professional support and comprehensive advice. We tailor concepts to the goals of our customers. We deliver ideas for individual advert concepts or campaigns and series. Performance- or branding-orientated, we have the right creative people.
Production I Realisation I Craftship
Our team has a Europe-wide network of freelancers and service providers. We always find the right partners for our productions, no matter where. Thanks to our own state-of-the-art technology and associated post-production, we offer many in-house processes. This makes us fast and precise.
You want multichannel content? Six-second videos? GIFs? IGTV? Stories with clear CTA? On TV? No problem. We are familiar with the ABC of seeding and make any production in any format, to measure.
Distribution I Evaluation
We can also help you after production. To ensure that we are always able to provide our large and small customers with the right distribution strategy, we maintain contact with freelancers and international media agencies. This way, every video and photo production finds the right audience.
The tracking and active control of ongoing campaigns are the key to a successful campaign. Ongoing reporting rounds things off.Skills in Werbung (26) Direct AdvertisingOnline VideoDigital AdvertisingOnline AdvertisingVideo AdvertisingAdvertising CampaignTV CommercialscommercialsOnline Video AdvertisingFull-Service+16Referenzen in Werbung (22) Kunden in Werbung (22) JIMDOSoftware & Computerservice | nationalInstant Waves MediaMedien | internationalDKBBanken & Finanzen | nationalAbracarVersicherung | national
Erfahren Sie mehr über WerbungBeschreibung Gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden erarbeiten wir die passende Content-Strategie. Dabei loten wir aus welche Plattformen primär bespielt werden sollen und welche Hooks für ein Engagement und Watch-Time gewährleisten.Skills in Content-Strategie (7) Specification WritingStorytellingShareable ContentSocial Content StrategyContent AdvertisingTarget Audience DefinitionMultilingual ContentReferenzen in Content-Strategie (3) Kunden in Content-Strategie (3) LIDLLebensmittel | internationalJIMDOSoftware & Computerservice | nationalMINI / Bayerische Motorwercke AGAutomobil | national
Erfahren Sie mehr über Content-StrategieBeschreibung Since 2015 Instant Waves has specialized in online video production. From strategy and concept to final delivery we build campaigns and create outstanding video- and foto-campaigns.
As an official partner agency of TikTok we are specialized in content creation and finding the right creators for the platform.Skills in Social Media (11) Social Media ContentTiktok InfluencersSocial Media Video ProductionCreative VideoMarketing Video ProductionFilmingMarketing VidéoTikTok AdvertisingFilm ProductionVideo Editing+1Referenzen in Social Media (4) Kunden in Social Media (4) LIDLLebensmittel | internationalDKBBanken & Finanzen | internationalJIMDOSoftware & Computerservice | nationalKIA GermanyAutomobil | national
Erfahren Sie mehr über Social MediaBeschreibung Finding the right creator can be a time consuming and tough task. We're here to help and find, contact and reach out to Key Opinion Leaders in the Offline world and on any social media platform out there.Skills in Influencer Marketing (10) Instagram Influencertik tokInfluencerNano InfluencersInfluencer RecruitmentMacro influencersInfluencer affiliationTiktok InfluencersMicro InfluencersInfluencer Content ProductionReferenzen in Influencer Marketing (5) Kunden in Influencer Marketing (5) JIMDOSoftware & Computerservice | nationalDKBBanken & Finanzen | internationalLIDLLebensmittel | internationalYAZIOKrankenhäuser & Gesundheitswesen | international
Erfahren Sie mehr über Influencer Marketing
16 Mitglieder in Instant Waves's Team
Instant Waves wurde 1 Mal ausgezeichnet
4 Bewertungen für Instant Waves
Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?The agency helped us showcase the work of our KJJ award recipients by producing a crips and informative film.
Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?Instant Waves was more than just a reliable production partner for us. As they took the effort to really understand what we do and what we need, we could benefit from their very valuable conceptional input.
Gelgia Fetz empfiehlt diese Agentur
Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?Create awesome Tik Toks that disrupt and stand out.
Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?Fun. Straight to the point. Very flexible.
Gibt es Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten?Could be even a bit more daring.
Manuel Kalenderian empfiehlt diese Agentur
Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?We collaborated with Instant Waves to create an engaging and impactful campaign for the first quarter of 2024 across television, and online platforms. We sought their expertise and collaborative approach to produce high-quality content that would be memorable and help make our audience resonate with Jimdo and our values.
Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?During our collaboration with Instant Waves, what we enjoyed the most was their remarkable ability to blend creativity with professionalism. Their team's collaborative spirit and quick thinking made the entire process enjoyable and efficient. We appreciated how they seamlessly navigated challenges and turned them into opportunities, all while maintaining a positive and upbeat atmosphere.
Gibt es Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten?While our collaboration with Instant Waves was overall highly successful, there are always opportunities for improvement. One area that could be enhanced is in the realm of communication. While communication was generally effective, there were instances where clearer and more frequent updates could have further streamlined the process. But overall, we were extremely satisfied with Instant Waves' performance and hope to collaborate again soon.
Simão Pereira empfiehlt diese Agentur
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