Suria Labs (+ 5 Bewertungen) | Sortlist
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Suria Labs

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
We are Suria Labs, a full service development and consultancy shop based in our spanking new office Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Our specialty is in crafting web and mobile applications using cutting-edge technologies such as Ruby on Rails and React Native. Software development is our primary service offering. We have the expertise to assist our clients through the entire development cycle from specification to design, development, testing and maintenance. Our services are not bound by geographical location. We serve both local Malaysian and international clients from all over the globe- USA, Netherlands, Germany, and Australia to name a few. Both our local and international clients want the same thing- quality, robust and sustainable software that is easy to maintain and further develop. We deliver this time and time again by using test-driven-development, daily code review and an established agile project management methodology. We are a team of sharp, professional, inquisitive and unstoppable individuals who make up a highly oiled machine that is Suria Labs.
30 Personen im Team
Spricht Chinesisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Malaiisch... Mehr anzeigen
5 Projekte in ihrem Portfolio
Arbeitet remote auf der ganzen Welt
Sortlist Mitglied seit 2018
Gegründet 2015


9 Dienstleistungen angeboten von Suria Labs



  • Beschreibung
    Software development is our primary service offering. We have the expertise to assist our clients through the entire development cycle from specification to design, development, testing and maintenance.

    Our services are not bound by geographical location. We serve both local Malaysian and international clients from all over the globe- USA, Netherlands, Germany, and Australia to name a few.
    Skills in Mobile App (9)
    React NativeReact Native DevelopmentApp DesignMobile App DesignMobile App DevelopmentSCRUMRuby on RailsAgile DevelopmentReact Development
    Referenzen in Mobile App (3)
    Flashcash App - Mobile App
    Carpit - Mobile App
    Navag8 - Mobile App
    Bewertung in Mobile App (1)
    Qiyao Tai
    Kunden in Mobile App (3)
    FlashCashBanken & Finanzen | national
    Global Carpit Sdn BhdAutomobil | international
    Navag8Banken & Finanzen | national

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Mobile App

  • Beschreibung
    Software development is our primary service offering. We have the expertise to assist our clients through the entire development cycle from specification to design, development, testing and maintenance.

    Our services are not bound by geographical location. We serve both local Malaysian and international clients from all over the globe- USA, Netherlands, Germany, and Australia to name a few.
    Skills in Webanwendung (16)
    SCRUMRuby TechnologiesAgile DevelopmentSmart Contractsweb development and designReact.jsBlockchain Development, ICO Development, Smart Contracts, Decentralized Apps, Cryptocurrency Development, Wallet Development, Hyperledger, Hedera Hashgraph, Blockchain ConsultingRuby on Rails DevelopmentRuby DevelopmentRuby Rails Development+6
    Referenzen in Webanwendung (3) - Webanwendung
    Carpit - Webanwendung
    Continuous Conversation Framework - Webanwendung
    Bewertungen in Webanwendung (3)
    Cammi Ng
    Ling Poh Teng
    Sarah Guppy
    Kunden in Webanwendung (3)
    ReinVersicherung | international
    Global Carpit Sdn BhdAutomobil | international
    Ignite ServicesPersonalwesen | national

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Webanwendung

  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Skills in Webanalytik/Big Data (2)
    Machine LearningScalability

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Webanalytik/Big Data

  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Skills in Innovation (2)
    Machine LearningConsulting

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Innovation

  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Skills in Digitale Strategie (1)
    Project Management

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Digitale Strategie

  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Skills in Webseitengestaltung (1)
    Website Redesign

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Webseitengestaltung

  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Software Entwicklung

  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Skills in Produkt Management (1)
    Project Management

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Produkt Management

  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Blockchain Entwicklung

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30 Mitglieder in Suria Labs's Team

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5 Bewertungen für Suria Labs

(5 Bewertungen)
Sarah GuppyCOO bei Gig Life Pro
Team1 - 10

Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?Suria Labs came highly recommended to Gig Life Pro to design and build our new members platform.

Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?They worked with us very closely on every aspect including project managing, planning, timelines, design and delivering a final product, that was everything we envisioned bringing to life our new modern and sleek website. Our experience with the company was terrific and the team were always quick to respond, worked in a highly professional manner and were extremely reliable. We have no hesitation in recommending Suria Labs for design and website development.

Gibt es Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten?N/A

Sarah Guppy empfiehlt diese Agentur

Team1 - 10

Ling Poh TengHead of Strategic Product Development, Malaysia bei Ideagen Plc
SektorSoftware & Computerservice
Team501 - 1000

Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?Suria Labs helped us to deliver a major project by supplying us with developers experienced in Java.

Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?We were impressed with the team and the project was delivered to our satisfaction.

Ling Poh Teng empfiehlt diese Agentur

SektorSoftware & Computerservice
Team501 - 1000

Qiyao TaiCo-Founder bei Global Carpit Sdn Bhd
DienstleistungMobile App
Team1 - 10

Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?Building a MVP to validate our business idea.

Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?Bjarte and Robert knows the stuff. They helped create our wireframe from our discovery workshop before coming up with project estimates. We have 2 week sprints and the sprint meetings were very constructive.

Qiyao Tai empfiehlt diese Agentur

DienstleistungMobile App
Team1 - 10

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Kontaktdetails von Suria Labs


  • HeadquarterJalan Kerinchi, Pantai Dalam, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia