Unsere 10 Besten Radiowerbung Agenturen in Rheinland-Pfalz - 2024 Bewertungen

Top Radiowerbung Agenturen in Rheinland-Pfalz

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Alle Radiowerbung Experten in Rheinland-Pfalz

  • 5
    (2 Bewertungen)
    Offen für Projekte in in Radiowerbung
    Standort Mannheim, Deutschland
    Ab 500 € für Radiowerbung
    Arbeitet in mehreren Branchen
    Spricht Deutsch
    1-10 Mitglieder
  • 5
    (2 Bewertungen)

    We create brand strategy, design and experience with value.

    Top ausgezeichnet
    OFF LABEL bietet Branding und Kommunikation made in Berlin. Wir nutzen Expertise & Empathie, um den Brand Impact zu maximieren und den Weg für eine agile Markenführung zu ebnen. Gestartet als Vision von drei erfahrenen Markenspezialistinnen, ist OFF LABEL entstanden um alte gelernte Routinen in der Branche zu durchbrechen und jeder Marke und jedem Kunden ein Höchstmaß an Agilität zu bieten. Unabhängig von Größe und Budget finden wir die passende Lösung für die agile Markenführung. — OFF LABEL offers branding and communication made in Berlin. We use head & heart to maximise your brand impact and pave the way for new brand leadership. Born as the vision of three experienced marketers, OFF LABEL was founded to break through marketing routines and provide a maximum of agility to any brand & customer in need. No matter the size and budget, we find the right solution for your dynamic brand management.
    Offen für Projekte in in Radiowerbung
    Unbekannter Standort
    Ab 5.000 € für Radiowerbung
    Arbeitete in E-Commerce (+10)
    Spricht Englisch, Deutsch
    1-10 Mitglieder
  • (0 Bewertung*en)

    OOH plus: Stärken des OOH-Geschäfts unterstützt durch die flankierenden Geschäftsfelder Digital

    Ströer is a leading German out-of-home advertiser and offers advertising customers individualized and fully integrated, end-to-end solutions along the entire marketing and sales value chain. Ströer is focusing on the strength of the OOH business with its “OOH+” strategy, supported by the Digital OOH & Content and Direct Media segments. With this combination, the Company is well positioned to consistently grow its customer relevance and thanks to strong market share and long-term agreements on the German market, gain an above-average share in market growth in the coming years. The Ströer Group commercializes and operates several thousand websites in German-speaking countries in particular and operates approximately 300,000 advertising media in the out-of-home business. The portfolio includes all forms of out-of-home media – from traditional posters, exclusive advertising rights at train stations through to digital out-of-home media. The Digital OOH & Content and Direct Media segments support the core business. With dialog marketing, Ströer can offer customers holistic performance-based solutions ranging from location or content-specific reach and interaction across the entire spectrum of dialog marketing through to transactions. Furthermore, in digital publishing, the Company publishes premium content across all digital channels, offering one of Germany’s widest reaching networks with its t-online.de and special interest sites. The Company has approximately 10,000 employees at over 100 locations. In fiscal year 2019, Ströer generated revenue of EUR 1.6b. Ströer SE & Co. KGaA is listed in Deutsche Börse’s MDAX.
    Offen für Projekte in in Radiowerbung
    Standort Düsseldorf, Deutschland (+1)
    Ab 1.000 € für Radiowerbung
    Arbeitete in Krankenhäuser & Gesundheitswesen
    Spricht Deutsch
    1001-5000 Mitglieder

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