sh agentur GmbH
sh agentur - your guarantee for top events!
Your reliable partner Since 1999 our owner-managed full service agency has been a guarantor for top events - in Germany as well as internationally. Creative ideas, sophisticated concepts, professional organization and execution down to the last detail, implemented by a passionate team - these are our key ingredient's. A successful event should fit to your company image like a perfectly tailored suit. Individual concepts, perfectly tailored and seamlessly embedded in your communication strategy, are our strength. We do not offer ready-made garments. After all, you want your event to be impressive, surprising and memorable. Whether incentives, anniversaries, kick-offs, congresses or gala events - sh agency will surpass your expectations. Hard work, reliability and the joy of our work are our main focus, next to budget oriented mind set, transparency as well as flexibility, quality and extensive experience. We look forward to your inquiry and will be happy to advise & support you! 3 Personen im Team
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Arbeitet remote auf der ganzen Welt
Sortlist Mitglied seit 2019
Gegründet 1999
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4 Dienstleistungen angeboten von sh agentur GmbH
Beschreibung After a detailed briefing our project team will present a first concept draft which will be planned in detail in the further course and will be completed by a cost summary and a timetable. We will find adequate locations in our portfolio or through further research, and conduct site visits collectively with you.
In addition to the overall idea, the event concept describes the individual event modules and all important details and provides supporting visual material. In order to design an optimal program according to your budget, we need information as detailed as possible.
We list all the position clearly in order to provide the best possible overview and the maximum transparency. This specific cost overview will be part of the contract when placing the order.Skills in Event (26) Internal Company EventCeremony OrganisationGrand Opening OrganizationEvent ConceptualizationEvent MarketingEvent Productioneventevent marketingevent managementspecial events+16Referenzen in Event (7) Bewertung in Event (1) Yvette ChottonKunden in Event (7) BauerfeindKrankenhäuser & Gesundheitswesen | internationalCarl ZeissArzneimittel & Biotech | internationalDecathlonKleidung & Accessoires | internationalMambu GmbHBanken & Finanzen | international
Erfahren Sie mehr über EventBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Skills in Content-Strategie (1) Conception and Cost PlanningReferenzen in Content-Strategie (3) Kunden in Content-Strategie (3) Cosmo ConsultSoftware & Computerservice | internationalCarl ZeissArzneimittel & Biotech | internationalSchülke & Mayr GmbHArzneimittel & Biotech | international
Erfahren Sie mehr über Content-StrategieBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Skills in Textgestaltung (1) Technical Writing
Erfahren Sie mehr über TextgestaltungBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Skills in SEO (1) Linkbuilding
Erfahren Sie mehr über SEO
3 Mitglieder in sh agentur GmbH's Team
GeschichteMany years of experience in organizing events for small and medium-sized companies as well as for corporations and associations.
... or to put it simply - the combination of many years of experience and a lot of fun at work.
sh agentur GmbH wurde 0 Mal ausgezeichnet
1 Bewertungen für sh agentur GmbH
(1 Bewertungen)
Yvette ChottonGeschäftsführung bei jobs in time medical GmbH
SektorKrankenhäuser & Gesundheitswesen
Team501 - 1000
Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?Organisation diverser Firmenevents, Veranstaltungen, Sommerfeste, Teamabende, Weihnachtsfeiern und Firmenjubiläum
Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?Die professionelle Herangehensweise, Auswahl der Location, Organisation der Besichtigung, Vertragsverhandlung und Betreuung der Veranstaltung.
Gibt es Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten?keine
Yvette Chotton empfiehlt diese Agentur
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