UIG studio
16 Dienstleistungen angeboten von UIG studio
Beschreibung Our cross-functional team delivers front‑end and back‑end development services across all platforms.
They working tightly with our QA team and designers to make a significant impact and launch market-leading mobile products and services around the globe.Skills in Mobile App (36) App LocalizationFigmaiPhone App DevelopmentARKit DevelopmentErgonomy (UX/UI)iPad App DevelopmentiOS App DevelopmentUX StrategyUI DesignCustom Development+26Referenzen in Mobile App (6) Kunden in Mobile App (6) TIGORechtsdienstleistungen | nationalSaudi AramcoBildung | internationalCreativ CeuticalArzneimittel & Biotech | internationalIMANIUnterhaltung & Events | international
Erfahren Sie mehr über Mobile AppBeschreibung Our cross-functional team delivers front‑end and back‑end development services across all platforms.
They working tightly with our QA team and designers to make a significant impact and launch market-leading web products and services around the globe.Skills in Webanwendung (28) web strategyMVPWeb application developmentphp developmentsoftware architectureProgressive Web Appuser experience optimizationreact js developmenthtml5 integrationjavascript development+18Referenzen in Webanwendung (6) Kunden in Webanwendung (6) Everdome FZCO DSOInternet | internationalactivity.meSport | internationalTIGORechtsdienstleistungen | nationalOkasionE-Commerce | national
Erfahren Sie mehr über WebanwendungBeschreibung Our customer and evidence-driven design process deliver functional, digital-first, and beautiful products and services. Created with empathy and the ability to scale for achieving the most complex goals, evoke emotions, and ensure users experience the product intuitively.Skills in Ergonomie (UX/UI) (14) User Experience OptimizationUX DesignUI DesignUser ResearchUser Interface DesignInteraction DesignMVPUXui uxUX Optimization+4Referenzen in Ergonomie (UX/UI) (10) Kunden in Ergonomie (UX/UI) (10) Kazzahlogy Blockchain FirmBanken & Finanzen | nationalPrintboxVerlagswesen | internationalSaudi AramcoBildung | internationalIMANIUnterhaltung & Events | international
Erfahren Sie mehr über Ergonomie (UX/UI)Beschreibung We start each project from in‑depth user discovery to identify your target audience and solve real problems. Our UI/UX design team talk with stakeholders, carry on user research, help you learn from your competition, and unify the message. The result is a holistic design and implementation to serve your users better.Skills in Digitale Strategie (12) SaaS Strategy ConsultingUX DesignPrototypingMVPUser Centric Designwireframe designuser experimentsprototype developmentworkshop organizationuser session tracking+2Referenzen in Digitale Strategie (9) Kunden in Digitale Strategie (9) IMANIUnterhaltung & Events | internationalactivity.meSport | internationalTIGORechtsdienstleistungen | nationalOkasionE-Commerce | national
Erfahren Sie mehr über Digitale StrategieBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Referenzen in Markenbildung & Positionierung (2) Kunden in Markenbildung & Positionierung (2) Everdome FZCO DSOInternet | internationalactivity.meSport | international
Erfahren Sie mehr über Markenbildung & PositionierungBeschreibung Our customer and evidence-driven design process deliver functional, digital-first, and beautiful products and services. Created with empathy and the ability to scale for achieving the most complex goals, evoke emotions, and ensure users experience the product intuitively.Skills in Webseitengestaltung (5) Designecommerce designEcommerce WebsiteWebdesignGraphic DesignReferenzen in Webseitengestaltung (5) Kunden in Webseitengestaltung (5) TIGORechtsdienstleistungen | nationalOkasionE-Commerce | nationalPrintboxVerlagswesen | internationalSaudi AramcoBildung | international
Erfahren Sie mehr über WebseitengestaltungBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Referenz in Game Entwicklung (1) Kunde in Game Entwicklung (1) Saudi AramcoBildung | international
Erfahren Sie mehr über Game EntwicklungBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Skills in Grafikdesign (1) Intuitive DesignReferenzen in Grafikdesign (3) Kunden in Grafikdesign (3) Everdome FZCO DSOInternet | internationalactivity.meSport | internationalTIGORechtsdienstleistungen | national
Erfahren Sie mehr über GrafikdesignBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Skills in Innovation (1) ConsultingReferenz in Innovation (1) Kunde in Innovation (1) TIGORechtsdienstleistungen | national
Erfahren Sie mehr über InnovationBeschreibung Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Skills in Produkt Management (1) Product Design
Erfahren Sie mehr über Produkt Management
21 Mitglieder in UIG studio's Team
UIG studio wurde 11 Mal ausgezeichnet
12 Bewertungen für UIG studio
THE REVIEW "They were highly engaged and passionate about delivering the product." Project summary: UIG Studio developed a desktop application to improve the organization of a complicated database. They built features to simplify the navigation process and improve previews of large files. Feedback summary: The app has been positively received in its limited release and meets all original standards. The UIG Studio team was committed and interested in the overall goals of the project, inspiring trust during the collaboration. BACKGROUND Please describe your company and your position there. I’m a senior consultant at an international consulting company. We work with the pharmaceutical industry. OPPORTUNITY / CHALLENGE For what projects/services did your company hire UIG Studio? We needed to develop an app that allows for easy access to a complex database. What were your goals for this project? We wanted to give users the ability to view different levels of data and navigate through all assets more efficiently. The app should make the process simpler for users to preview and filter information to use them in relevant presentations, etc. SOLUTION How did you select this vendor? I’d worked with a partner of UIG Studio before, so we selected them for the project. Describe the project in detail. They developed our desktop app that covers our complex database. The app allows for data filtration and data previews. The UIG Studio team built-in functionalities that preview short summaries of large PDF and PPT files. What was the team composition? The UIG Studio team provided four people. We had a dedicated project manager, a graphic designer, and two programmers working on design and development. RESULTS & FEEDBACK Can you share any outcomes from the project that demonstrate progress or success? We’ve only done a limited release of the app, but our users have given us positive feedback. They completed the app in line with my expectations. How effective was the workflow between your team and theirs? Their team used Asana to manage our communication throughout the project, which was great. What did you find most impressive about this company? They were highly engaged and passionate about delivering the product. Are there any areas for improvement? Though there is always room for improvement, I can’t think of anything for them to strengthen.
They're receptive to client needs. UIG Studio delivered a satisfying product, creating a recognizable logo and a user-friendly app. The team’s accessibility and communicativeness supported detail-oriented project management. Dedicated to the deliverables, their skills ensured a successful collaboration.
Their reactivity set them apart. The app met the expectations of the third-party client. UIG Studio communicates regularly with the client to ensure an effective workflow. The team is responsive, hard-working, and dedicated.
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